My Journey of Life

In the path of destiny, fulfilling heart's desires.

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I am a superstitious girl, walking in the path of destiny, fulfilling my heart's desires.


Saturday, December 15, 2012

Where are we heading?

[A old post written in Mar 2012 and was lying in draft state]

While I was waiting for the third book of Shiva trilogy, I started reading the Millennium Trilogy.

But totally unrelated to it, I happened to watch a lot of movies like "Roommate", "Road"
Most of the people can't drive without GPS. Being alert on road signs or direction signboards to reach the destination is old fashion. We are afraid of interaction with human beings. You never know the person you are asking direction could be a psychopath and may hop on to your vehicle and lead you to danger[Thanks to our Hollywood and Bollywood movies. There were lesser psychos in previous century]. The lesser interactions with other humans and higher interactions with gadgets will make a person less conversant, decrease mental stability and create psychological stress.


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